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A temporary, 6 week ceasefire is not enough!
Vote for “Marianne Williamson” March 19 Arizona Presidential Preference Election (PPE). Tell Biden, count me out for war and genocide in Gaza.

frequently asked questions

Who are we? 

We are a vast, diverse Coalition of Arizonans abhorred by the genocide taking place in Gaza.  We recognize the perpetrating role Biden and his administration have in supporting the recent and ongoing killing of over 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza - of which two thirds are women and children; many family members of Arizonans. 

Through our Protest Vote, we choose to say 



This campaign is a result of deep collaboration across the state centering those directly impacted within our Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities, recognizing the importance of our Youth and standing collectively on the right side of history.


Why Williamson?

Arizona’s PPE ballot does not have: 

  • the “Uncommitted” option several other States have

  • the “Write-In” option several other States have

 In order to send an important, lasting “ceasefire,” measurable message to Biden and the world, Arizona must vote with one voice for another Candidate.  Because Williamson is the Ceasefire Candidate with the most name re cognition, we ask that people mark their ballot for her.

To be clear, this campaign is not an endorsement of Marianne Williamson, but a vehicle with which to send a measurable message to Biden: STOP THE KILLING.  If you can’t abide a vote for Williamson, vote for another pro-ceasefire candidate.


Why is it important we vote?

Voting with one voice for Wiliamson is the opportunity for us to send a strong statement to the current Biden administration and campaign.

Votes are what #Biden needs to get elected and this is Arizoana’s opportunity to let him know he *does not* have our support to continue this genocide!

Devastated seeing starving children in Gaza? VOTE!

Horrified by the Flour Massacre? VOTE!

Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes in 2020. If we mobilize 10K+ Pro-Ceasefire Protest Votes for Marianne Williamson, we will demonstrate very clearly how Biden must make a dramatic change in policy on this humanitarian issue to win our swing state of Arizona in November. 


Can I send in a blank ballot? Or one with “Ceasefire” written on it?

Blank ballot “undervotes” are generally not reported on official results sites or by media, so our message would not be visible. 


Where do I vote?  (Source: Clean Elections Commission)

You can visit your Voter Dashboard HERE by entering the address you are registered to vote with. This tool can help you find out where to vote early, where drop-box or off locations are & where to vote on election day!


How do I know if I can vote? 

Only Voters registered to a participating party can vote in the PPE. There are two participating parties: the Democratic and Republican parties. This means you must be registered as a Democrat in order to effectively vote against Biden in the Presidential Preference Election.


How do I request a ballot by Mail? 

Visit and proceed to register to request a mail-in ballot. 


How can I help?
  • Spread the word!  Follow and share:

@VoteCeasefireAz on Instagram and Facebook. 

  • Repost @VoteCeasefireAz posts

  • Help others vote!

  • Vote early and help others vote early!

  • Take pictures of your ballot and share with us by tagging @VoteCeasefireAz 

  • Phone bank with us!  More to come…


Won’t this help Trump?

The Presidential Preference Election is Arizona’s version of a “Primary Election” - an election closed to each party.  This is an opportunity for Democrats to send a message to their Party’s Leader, who has consistently ignored what the majority of his constituents want: a permanent ceasefire and de-escalation of violence in Gaza.  We know Trump is not a friend to our cause. But we recognize that there is time between now and November for Biden to meaningfully change his policies and earn the support of Democratic Voters.


How many votes are you expecting?

We are a grass-roots campaign operating with little time and little funding in response to many community questions and natural organizing to work together in sending one strong, measurable message to Biden.  We are operating out of desperation to get our message heard by President Biden. We know that we can make a significant impact if we come together in a Protest Vote for Marianne Williamson that will have a resulting count on election night, March 19th. Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes in 2020. 

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